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Alexander McQueen

Photography by Nick Knight

No eulogies, no rest-in-peace lines, just a celebratory remembrance of a legendary artist.


Blast From The Past | Feist - "1234"

This song popped in my head out of nowhere today and I remembered just how amazing the video was, and how obsessed I was over this song a few years ago. (I can't believe it's been practically three years!!) 

Trivia: Time magazine named "1234" one of The 10 Best Songs of 2007, ranking it at #2. | The "1234" video was featured in the TV ad for the (then) new colorful iPod Nano. | Directed by Patrick Daughters who also directed Feist's "I Feel It All"


Google - Parisian Love

Google was one of the companies which spilled major dough to be one of the Super Bowl ads this year.

Really like the (Apple-esque) simplicity of it.


Holy Shift!

March 22 is the date. Nurse Jackie returns... and yes, the poster is even more awesome than the one from Season 1. Showtime won my heart these past few seasons, with Nurse Jackie and Dexter. (ahh, Dexter, when are we getting some of that too?)


Olympic Shame 2010

My cousin sent me a link to Olympic Shame 2010 and though I usually try not to look at the disturbing images and videos on websites of this sort, I caught a glimpse of the video for I wasn't fast enough to look away. So, now I am angry at these awful people and disturbed by what is happening every year...

Text from Olympic Shame 2010

The seal slaughter exists because of the overall demand for fur. During Canada's annual war on seals, sealers routinely hook live seals in the eye, cheek, or mouth to avoid damaging the fur, then they drag the seals across the ice. Many of these gentle creatures may not even have eaten their first solid meal or taken their first swim before they are slaughtered for their skin.

Whether it's clubbing baby seals, electrocuting minks on fur farms, or crushing foxes' chests in traps, the bloody fur trade is one of the most hideous industries on Earth.

While all eyes are on Canada as it prepares to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, kind people everywhere are calling on the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee to use its influence to help stop the slaughter. Please urge Canadian government officials and the Vancouver Olympic Committee to help end the seal slaughter immediately.

I guess, we can all do something about this, by letting even more people know. 


Heading East (New Blog To Follow)

I came to find this wonderful blog, through a SwissMiss retweet of the blog's author Raul Gutierrez (a.k.a. themexican) saying: "A lady hugged me today because she liked my blog." 
I have to say, if I came across the guy, I'd probably do the same.

His blog, apart from being dense with great images and artwork by photographers and artists from over the world and by the author the same, it also contains some beautifully written posts. Gutierrez's writing style (which I envy so much) is sincere and stripped from excess ornamentation; it's nostalgic but never sappy, and manages to transfer emotions in an articulate manner. Happy to be a follower...

The image above is taken from Raul Gutierrez's Flickr Photostream.


iPad vs Netbook

Awesome thought by Alberto Antoniazzi

“Why did they made a bigger iPhone when they just had to do a smaller Macbook?”

(via | thank you Myria)


BMW Gina

Though I am not a BMW fan, I found the concept of this concept car very interesting.

I'm not sure whether this technology can be applied to all vehicles, or just a full batch of a certain model for that matter, but it surely opens new options to the world of vehicle design. (Am I the only one who finds the "blinking" headlight sockets a bit creepy?)



Finally unveiled, and Apple made me feel sick wanting one of these... like, NOW!

It was an adventure with everyone speculating on the name of Apple's large-area-touch-device. iTablet was by far the most annoying. I mean, did Apple ever name something in such a blatantly banal manner? Did they go and name their laptop series iLaptop or iNotebook? Or can you imagine: iMusicPlayer? (I think I barfed in my mouth) 

So, back we go, to the drawing table for the gadget-budget... 


Vanishing Point

Have I mentioned how much I love the Japanese? This video reminds me, once again, why I love them so much...

Amazing video graphics; totally synced with the music (by Cubesato) which is also amazing. The video is created by Takuya Hosogane who has some other amazing work on Vimeo. The quality of these visuals (whether you see them as single frames, or a movie) is beyond impeccable. (A little voice in my graphic-design-infested brain says that "that's how graphic design should look like")

(via ISO50)