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Entries in iPad (5)


Making Future Magic

Japanese advertising agency Dentsu asked London-based interface design agency BERG to creatively deliver the role of screens in our lives. BERG went ahead and created this amazing time-lapse photography/video project with amazing 3D typography. I'm not even going to try to explain how they did it, everything is beautifully explained in the embedded video right before Making Future Magic begins.



iPad + Velcro = ♥

I don't know if I'd put my (yet to be purchased) iPad on all possible surfaces, but this is an excellent (and risky) idea!
(via SwissMiss

Wired Tablet App

My love (and I mean LOVE) for Wired Magazine is something that grows issue after issue. I love how they can take all sorts of information and interpret it visually in an impeccably interesting manner, allowing the readers to take-in a great amount of facts, useful and also some trivial, info. More importantly, I cannot even begin to describe what I feel about their design. I am truly inspired and motivated by Wired as a publication designer/art director.

Now, imagine the multiplication of the above excitement when wired becomes alive and moving; touchable, swipe-able, pinch-able, zoom-able, and in all its high-tech Wired glory: DREAM COME TRUE! (and another flippin' great reason to get an iPad as soon as possible!).

BUT!: Trying to embed a video from Wired on your blog is a challenge. You can't resize it, or customize anything, thus the clutter below. 

Edit: The video below was taken from Adobe's website.


iPad vs Netbook

Awesome thought by Alberto Antoniazzi

“Why did they made a bigger iPhone when they just had to do a smaller Macbook?”

(via | thank you Myria)



Finally unveiled, and Apple made me feel sick wanting one of these... like, NOW!

It was an adventure with everyone speculating on the name of Apple's large-area-touch-device. iTablet was by far the most annoying. I mean, did Apple ever name something in such a blatantly banal manner? Did they go and name their laptop series iLaptop or iNotebook? Or can you imagine: iMusicPlayer? (I think I barfed in my mouth) 

So, back we go, to the drawing table for the gadget-budget...