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Double Sho(o)t

Here's to hoping that 2010 will be even more creative than 2009. More to come from this shoot too. Again, thanks to Christina, Nineta & Andria.



I wouldn't want to go over the whole decade in this post, given that there are some moments of it I would just like to delete -not even undo- just delete. Instead, I would just rather to focus on this past year and how refreshing it was despite its ups and downs.

I could say that 2009 was probably one of the most creative and refreshing years I've had so far. I managed to do more than I expected to do, learned that if things aren't done under a tight schedule they're never done, and that a healthy amount of stress and pressure are necessary for the materialization of concepts.

Despite the several predicaments, minor obstacles, professional limitations, nerve-breaking situations, and the overall hectic nature of this past year, I can say that I'm left with a good 2009 "aftertaste", and a reluctantly optimistic feeling for the infinite potentials of 2010.   

Happy New Year!


New Shoot

A few weeks back, I found this great gate. Today I did a shoot with some help from my ever-handy/crafty/supporting cousin; Christina Olympiou (pictured above). Thanks Chris & Myr. More coming soon.


Be Merry



LAPP stands for Light Art Performance Photography and it's a project by Joerg Miedza and JanLeonardo Woellert. There is no photo manipulation involved in the creation of these images. They are created by the movement of luminous objects in front of a camera. They're basically the depiction of mini light performances.

May I add that my head is blown away by how awesome these images are. I tried doing something similar in the past but I never even got close to the sharpness, symmetry, and quality of these light drawings. 

There are more amazing images on the official LAPP Pro website.


Studio LaChapelle New Website

And while we're in the neighborhood of David LaChapelle, his new website is up and it's a magical-magical place for anyone who's a fan. They had a splash-page type website for a while, so it's good to see that his work is now again available for us to see. 

Also, I couldn't resist posting this photograph from Mariah's 2005 Def Jam campaign (which I hadn't seen before).


David LaChapelle + Lady Gaga


As I previously mentioned, I am a huge fan of David LaChapelle, actually I just had someone go get me the new issue of Flaunt and send it to me from Chicago, (thanks Yiani, you see, there's no Flaunt where I am...) because it features  series of amazing images by LaChapelle. So, you see, a LaChapelle + Gaga project was something that was bound to attract me, and inevitably end up on here...

Good ol' LaChapelle, awesome new Gaga.


Magazine Layouts

I set up a project on my website with some layouts from the IN Business brand; the magazine series I design/illustrate/art direct. It's a selection of my favorites, I should be adding more layouts, covers and illustrations later on. Click on the image above to see the project page.



Oh No! You're Sinking Me!

So true... 

And no, the fact that as graphic designers we spend 92% of our time on unpaid favors IS NOT A FUN FACT AT ALL... 

(via swissmiss and lunchbreath)


Alice In Wonderland - New Trailer

I still can't wait... I just hope it's as good as it looks in the trailer. Honestly now, doesn't Johnny Depp look like Madonna as he turns at the beginning?