Wired Tablet App

My love (and I mean LOVE) for Wired Magazine is something that grows issue after issue. I love how they can take all sorts of information and interpret it visually in an impeccably interesting manner, allowing the readers to take-in a great amount of facts, useful and also some trivial, info. More importantly, I cannot even begin to describe what I feel about their design. I am truly inspired and motivated by Wired as a publication designer/art director.
Now, imagine the multiplication of the above excitement when wired becomes alive and moving; touchable, swipe-able, pinch-able, zoom-able, and in all its high-tech Wired glory: A DREAM COME TRUE! (and another flippin' great reason to get an iPad as soon as possible!).
BUT!: Trying to embed a video from Wired on your blog is a challenge. You can't resize it, or customize anything, thus the clutter below.
Edit: The video below was taken from Adobe's website.
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