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Entries by Artémis Psathas (483)


Pet Airways

Though it's just starting, I think it would save a lot of trouble for many people who travel with pets. But most importantly, it is definitely more humane than shoving your pet in a cage which will followingly be shoved in the cargo space of the aircraft. (The service is available for some major cities in the US, and should be expanding soon)

By the way, I love how the blonde attendant waves a la Queen at the end of the advertisement.

(via coolhunting)


Never Give Up

Found this a few months ago (when it was still raining here, so that's many months back) while I was on my way home late at night. It's funny how it kept working despite the fact that it was practically parallel to the sidewalk...


Pardon My Carey, But I'm Obsessed!

I am a shameless MC fan, so there you go. The new track can be heard here.


I Can See The Future

My iPhone works secretly as a time-machine...
I can see "tomorrow" while still being in "Today"


Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967)

Well, guess what? This film was on TV tonight and having read about it, and how 2005's Guess Who, (yeah the one with Ashton Kutcher) was based on this 1967 (!) film, I really wanted to see it. (Despite the brief interruptions due to poor satellite signal, I managed to see it.)

One of the many things that are amazing about GWCTD is the absolutely blatant fact that it's about a biracial couple and the adversities they confront. Fair enough, but the way everything is laid out and delivered is just too darn blatant. Then, the dialogues are entertainingly interesting and elaborate... Really, the use of another, meticulously eloquent, form of English is just stunning. Umm... the use of the "N" word in such a free manner was very shocking to me though, and I mean in an Oh-my-God, cold-sweat-shocking way! Oh, and the film is "appropriately" taglined as "a love story of today". A brilliant showcase of acting too. (The film got two Oscars: Best Actress Katharine Hepburn, Best Screenplay William Rose

P.S. Much "deeper" that the aforementioned "Guess Who", mainly because of the time it came out and the freshness of the racism wound which was still bleeding, especially in the states, back in the 60s.  

Above: A pretty awesome poster for the film and screen shots from the trailer.


Because I Feel Good Today

Have you ever had this happen to you? This video always, always, always makes me laugh so much! If I only knew what she's trying to say when she bursts out... Can I please meet Maxi Biewer and thank her in person?


Random Photos From The Past

Random photos from March '08 and November '07 respectively.


I ♥ Cheesy #2 | LoveGame

Gotta love the "LoveGame".


Superflat First Love - Takashi Murakami/Louis Vuitton

A short film celebrating the six-year collaboration between Louis Vuitton and Takashi Murakami. Love all the flashing and whooshing Vuitton patterns.


CODE-X Speedboat/Yaught

The Swiss did it, (are doing it actually) again...  The Code-X is a (postmodern, from-another-planet) project of impeccable aesthetics and a hybrid of, beyond my comprehension, the latest and brand new technologies. And I quote: (from the official website)

A flexible solar hybrid propulsion system enables both quiet, environmentally friendly cruising in ports and coastal areas as well as the pleasure of high speeds on open waters!

And to think that I don't even like boats!