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Entries in Photography (29)


Abandoned Places

Ryugyung Hotel, Pyongyang, North Korea

City Hall Subway Station, NYCPriyapt, Ukraine | Chernobyl Ground ZeroThe Ruins of DetroitAbandoned City of Ammochostos (Famagusta), Cyprus

As a continuation to the previous post, "Under Construction", here are some more abandoned places. These images are taken from Coolist, off a post named Abandoned Places: 10 Creepy, Beautiful Modern Ruins. Like in the case of industrial areas and construction sites, I guess one of the things that fascinate me the most about deserted landscapes, is probably the creative carte blanche they provide, as far as photography is concerned.

They can be captured in many different ways and techniques, but what I usually do is fantasize about fashion shoots and the incorporation of seemingly unbecoming and/or "contrasty" subject into these blank lanscapes.


"Under Construction"

I am a sucker for industrial zones and construction sites. I love the roughness and rawness of everything. Fundamental structures are out in the open and creation procedures are either blatantly revealed in construction sites, or screamingly implied in industrial zones.

I love the sight of a construction site when everyone leaves, the process is paused and you can just see what you're not supposed to see: naked structures, raw materials and unrefined forms. In industrial zones, on the other hand, I love how all the production steps are concealed, yet very present, in usually overwhelmingly large buildings. 

So with all this stated: imagine my gasp when I came across the above image in one of my (tens of) daily Google image searches, though I can't even remember what I was looking for in the first place. The picture shows the construction of the Shasta Dam in California. Later, when looking-up the dam on Wikipedia, I discovered that the above picture was taken in 1942! I love the detail, the light and the quality of colors in this picture, and... 1942!?. I'd love a huge print of this. The photo was taken by Russell Lee.


Photos From NothingLand

Despite the fact that today was, by far, the most invalid day I've had in years, and despite the fact that the thought of having one of these days again in the next months is creeping me out, I am happy I got to snap a couple of things which can be used. I only had my iPhone with me, given that I couldn't be carrying my Canon around in the army.

However, today, I was also reminded of the creativity/inspiration blasts I had when I was in the army, especially after a rough couple of days. Let's hope today triggers a productive epiphany in the following days.


The Gatekeeper - New Mini Project

Click on the image above to go to the full project.


Parking Lot - New Project

It seems that I got to be creative over the Christmas holidays... Click on the image above to go to the full project. Again, thanks to Christina, Nineta and Andria.

Plus: The embroidery/pearl earrings above (left) and the chain/embroidery necklace (right) are Anna Koumoushi originals.


V Magazine: Curves Ahead

I am so happy V is doing "The Size Issue". It comes to prove, once again, (one of my personal beliefs) that anyone can be a model and restrictions on the matter are pretty much minuscule. I think these amazing pictures by Sølve Sundsbø and styled by Nicola Formichetti are AMAZING, and I can probably say that this editorial is one of my very favorites out of V. I just can't wait for the issue to come out (Jan. 14).

Also how very appropriate is the soundtrack to the video below? (and I'm not saying that because it's Mariah's "Touch My Body" favorite remix by Seamus Haji.)


Double Sho(o)t

Here's to hoping that 2010 will be even more creative than 2009. More to come from this shoot too. Again, thanks to Christina, Nineta & Andria.


New Shoot

A few weeks back, I found this great gate. Today I did a shoot with some help from my ever-handy/crafty/supporting cousin; Christina Olympiou (pictured above). Thanks Chris & Myr. More coming soon.


David LaChapelle + Lady Gaga


As I previously mentioned, I am a huge fan of David LaChapelle, actually I just had someone go get me the new issue of Flaunt and send it to me from Chicago, (thanks Yiani, you see, there's no Flaunt where I am...) because it features  series of amazing images by LaChapelle. So, you see, a LaChapelle + Gaga project was something that was bound to attract me, and inevitably end up on here...

Good ol' LaChapelle, awesome new Gaga.


Sunsoak | New Project

I added a new project to my website from this past summer. Click on the image above for the full project.