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Entries in Random (6)


I Think...

I bumped on this around the webs, I don't know where this is from, who made this and if it's from a project of some sort, but I absolutely agree: We should just enjoy life. (Any info would be amazing.)

I had mentioned Kyary Pamyu Pamyu a few weeks back and though I'm not entirely in love with all of the songs on her latest album I am totally enchanted by her.

Post Update:
I managed to find the full quote but I'm sure there's a video out there

"I think we should just enjoy life. I think we should wear whatever we think looks nice, and wear it with confidence. That will put you in a better mood, and I think that will lead to a abundant society."


(Day)Dream House

In the context of intense daydreaming and "dreaming" in general, I found myself being drawn to location imagery and landscapes lately. (No, I have no intention to shift to landscape photography. As a matter of fact, I think I'd be really bad at it.) However, I think I will be posting a bit more of pictures of places that fascinate me and/or houses/spaces that inspire me in any way. 

So, I bumped on this Malibu beach house, aptly dubbed, "The Ultimate Bachelor Beach House" and I couldn't help but vision me in there. (I'd be a bit overwhelmed by all the white) This place had me at hello, with the workout deck & the fitness balls waiting for me there and everything. Now, If I only knew how to barbecue…


My "Best" of 2011. Now Give Us 2012

This past year was an intensely awkward one, for all of us. It was a challenging, troubling year from whichever point of view one chooses to examine it. 2011 was, confessedly, an intensely awkward year. However, I -being the eternally "half-full glasses" I am- believe that it was not an absolute and total loss, (ironically though, "loss" was -for many- a defining word for this year). Some aspects of it seemed to gleam "through the ashes"; some events of significant, life-altering gravity, in a positive light this time,  did occur as well. So, what we should do is focus on some of the good things 2011 left us with. 

On a personal/professional level, 2011 was life-changing for me. This past, turbulent, year set the foundations -in a challenging way- for things which felt that they were meant to happen. I was urged to make choices and take actions for which I am the only person to be held responsible for the outcome, whatever that may be. 

I am not going to get all profound and mushy in this post, though I am prone to doing that lately; I will just focus on the "lighter" things which stood as some sort of "psychological support" -if you like- this past year. Below you will find a humbly assembled list of my personal "bests" and "favorites" of 2011. 

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Happy Halloween, The McQueen Way!

I miss Halloween. No, actually I miss the seasonal drinks and bites at Starbucks, and the pumpkin cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory (back when I ate practically everything). Anyway, we don't have either of the aforementioned here. So, I'm just going to post this awesome short by Babette Pauthiere featuring the Alexander McQueen Fall/Winter scarf collection. It's the skull revisited! I like that they keep the skull concept on!



The Rant About: Good Pop Music & Bad Videos  

Updated on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 9:44 PM by Registered CommenterArtémis Psathas

Superimposed: Helena Paparizou, Paola & Chiara | A. Ps.

Being musically "omnivorous", for the most part, I've declared my adoration of the blatantly pop, (in addition to many other genres of music) many times over the timeline of my course as a blogger. I am far from being apologetic about my infatuation with "pop" and that's why I decided to go ahead and write my thoughts on how great pop songs are ruined by the inadequacy and inconsistency of their videos. Long post ahead!

To be honest, what pushed me to write this post was my reaction to Helena Paparizou's new video for "Baby It's Over". Paparizou has been, apparently, collaborating with the wrong people when it comes to her videos. Unlike her music collaborators (which are doing a very good job), the people who handle her image and videos (not just this one) are maybe on a different agenda, or have not been on the same page with the rest of the great stuff that has been going on with Helena Paparizou's act.

Instead of making a sleek video for "Baby It's Over" which in my opinion is one of her best tracks and has the potential of exploding into the rest of Europe as well, she (or her record label, or her manager, or I don't know who) went with something that looks like a bad experimental college student project. A project which would urge an instructor to ask the student to reconsider his college major, nonetheless.

I understand that we're going through times of severe frugality, but there's a huge gap between "low budget" and "low caliber". 

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Tiny Apartment in NYC

And when I say tiny, I mean tiny. Felice Cohen, a NY-based writer and artist, lives in this tiny 90-square-foot (27 sq. meters!!!) apartment. I get claustrophobic just thinking about it. At one point when she went into her bed, (more like sandwiched herself between the ceiling and the mattress) I gasped deeply for air just by watching that. I know New York is New York, and I would do anything to be able to be there, but really being squished in this apartment and paying $700 for it, is going a bit too far...