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Entries in M83 (3)


Gucci Premiere

I'm not really familiar with Blake Lively, I don't even think I've seen her in anything to be precise. But this is more than enough for me. The TVC for Cucci Premiere was shot by director Nicolas Winding Refn and features one of my favorite remixes of M83's Midnight City (Eric Prydz Private Remix). I really like the locations and the serene feel of the whole clip.


My "Best" of 2011. Now Give Us 2012

This past year was an intensely awkward one, for all of us. It was a challenging, troubling year from whichever point of view one chooses to examine it. 2011 was, confessedly, an intensely awkward year. However, I -being the eternally "half-full glasses" I am- believe that it was not an absolute and total loss, (ironically though, "loss" was -for many- a defining word for this year). Some aspects of it seemed to gleam "through the ashes"; some events of significant, life-altering gravity, in a positive light this time,  did occur as well. So, what we should do is focus on some of the good things 2011 left us with. 

On a personal/professional level, 2011 was life-changing for me. This past, turbulent, year set the foundations -in a challenging way- for things which felt that they were meant to happen. I was urged to make choices and take actions for which I am the only person to be held responsible for the outcome, whatever that may be. 

I am not going to get all profound and mushy in this post, though I am prone to doing that lately; I will just focus on the "lighter" things which stood as some sort of "psychological support" -if you like- this past year. Below you will find a humbly assembled list of my personal "bests" and "favorites" of 2011. 

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M83 - Midnight City

How, why, haven't I been obsessing over M83 until today? I came across M83's (a.k.a. Anthony Gonzalez) latest single "Midnight City" last night (this morning, actually, at 5AM) and I was blown away. I mean, SYNTH POP! 2011 SYNTH POP?  His sound is awesome! Really, awesome in the neihgborhood of Alex Moulton, Midnight Juggernauts, Daft Punk (by the way, I am yet to post on the definition of awesomeness which is the Tron Legacy soundtrack, but I will). How can I have just bumped on all this awesomeness while M83 has been around for ten years?

The Midnight City video is super-über cool and utterly reminiscent of the good 80s! (I don't get why people hate the 80s so much, when they clearly set the foundation to so many of the awesome things we have today?)