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Dexter (Part Two)

23 year-old, Australian, music and video artist Pogo, known for his amazing Up-inspired mix Upular, worked his magic with sounds and snips from Dexter. This is, plainly put: Brilliant!

Now, off I go to watch another episode of Dexter.


Dexter (Part One)

I won't go into how much I love this show; OK, I'll just state that I really really love it. 

These posters were designed by Ty Mattson as a personal project, but Showtime is printing these to be sold on the official Dexter online store. (how cool is that?!) I posted the posters for Season 1 and Season 4 but I wouldn't mind buying all four of them. The rest can be viewed here. Also, I gasped when I saw the packaging below. If Showtime actually goes ahead and releases all seasons with special edition covers, I'll buy all of them in a heartbeat!



Freemasons ft. Wynter Gordon

I just love almost everything the Freemasons do.. Their collaboration with Beyoncé Knowles (and Solange Knowles for that matter) was stunning. It's amazing how they get to transform any song into a dance anthem!


The Shortest Short Film Ever & Stamps?

I was stunned by a collection of stamps here in Cyprus depicting gorgeously illustrated farm animals (which I can't seem to find anywhere) but the excitement kinda died when I found out that the stamps depicted animals "we eat here"... So, bummer, I guess...

Back to this. While the Cypriot authorities commissioned illustrators to design a series of postage stamps featuring dinner-to-be animals, the Netherlands had Anton Corbijn directing this one-second film to be on a holographic stamp. Pretty cool huh?

FYI: that hand is Anton Corbijn's hand.



Flying Lotus - Kill Your Co-Workers

No, I'm not having any Patrick Bateman urges (at least not yet). But someone did apparently.

Coolness by Flying Lotus.


IDEO - The Future of Books

First of all, I have to state that despite the fact that I love book design and I do appreciate the awesomeness of books and reading and the journey everyone says they offer, I am incapable of starting and finishing a book like everyone else does. When it comes to reading books I am very easily distracted (I am absentminded most of the time to begin with) and I end up having the completion of a book pending for a long time. I currently have three "open" books waiting (four if short stories count too) to be finished off.

Anyway, IDEO came up with this amazing platform for "reading" books by enhancing the whole experience. These enhancements are divided in three concepts. Nelson, Coupland, and Alice. Readers have the chance to see the writer's sources while at the same time get current stories related to what they are reading with Nelson.  Coupland on the other hand, provides readers a reading list according to what their peers (and people in their companies) are reading. Alice, my favorite, allows the readers to interact with the narrative and storyline in such a way which makes the book more like a videogame. However, Alice stresses me out a bit because I'm a very "what if" kind of person which makes me terrible at picking and choosing. So, I can see me giving the whole thing up as soon as I am prompted to alter the storyline.

The video below describes in full detail The Future of the Book.



Lara Vs The Savage Pack (Video)

This is the latest video by the Midnight Juggernauts for their song Lara vs The Savage Pack. The Crystal Axis is still one of my favorite albums of 2010.

The video was shot frame by frame and then re-shot using over 2000 printed pieces of paper. Directed by Lucinda Schreiber & Beatrice Pegard.


Virgin Atlantic "Your airline's either got it or it hasn't"

Finally, an ad with an airline-appropriate sense of humor. I kinda feel that all airlines go with the uptight attitude when it comes to advertising and their overall image as companies. This one is directed by Traktor.

This kinda reminds me of a male british flight attendant on a Chicago-London flight who said "Thank you for flying with us today. Please take all your personal belongings, hand luggage, girlfriends and fiancés with you, because we do not know what to do with them!"

"Is that Linda?"


Ektoise Debut Album & Subsea EP

I've mentioned Ektoise a while back and after that I got acquainted with their work a bit more. It's one of those discoveries that happen in a chained manner; through other artists, via creative collaborations and you're just so happy they happened. 

Their self-titled debut album, Ektoise, is an electronic-infused organic roller-coaster ride. It goes from smooth to rough before you know it, and then back to smooth seamlessly, with the assistance of lurking vocals and reverbed electro beats. Miasma is my favorite track off Ektoise

Their debut album and a mini EP are available to download for free off their official website. [Ektoise | SUBSEA. Mixes]

I can't wait to get my hands on their new work. 


"Let Me In" Poster

I'm yet to finish the original Swedish version "Let The Right One In" but this UK poster for the american remake titled "Let Me In" designed by British illustrator Olly Moss is way too awesome not to post.