The Girl And The Robot (and Me?)

I was recently introduced to Röyksopp's "The Girl And The Robot" through a mixtape (more like a mixcd) my cousin made for me. And of course after being impressed by it, I had to go through the predictably typical youtube/google search craze I usually go through, and find out about remixes, videos and all the things I usually look for right before I become obsessed with something.
So, I found the video (directed by Michael Baldwin) and I thought: "Ooh, cool styling and colors" and then the part where the robot is advertised onTV comes on, and the robot model name is ARTEMIS.82 which is a funny coincidence because that is my name and the year I was born in... Anyway, I got their album, "Junior", today and it's a really really cool electro-pop album, even if it took me some time to discover it. (I also found that Kris Menace did some amazing remixes of TG&TR which I need to get my paws on, and soon...)