Eri Nobuchika

About a couple of weeks ago, I posted something on Röyksopp after buying their album "Junior". "Vision One" ended up being my favorite off Junior and after noticing that it contained samples from (what it seemed to be) a japanese song I immediately wanted to find out more.
So (of course) I googled names and track names and came up with the video below, which is the original version of "Vision One" in japanese, titled "Sing A Song" by Eri Nobuchika. Being a confessed fan of the japanese pop culture (though, I have to confess that I have fallen a bit behind on my updates) I was exited to see that Eri Nobuchika is a singer/songwriter born in 1985 and is very respected and popular in the circles of the japanese pop/dance/house music scene. She has recently released an album called "Hands", which sort of deviates from the electonic/house sound. Anyhow, I still remain curious enough to explore her (previous) releases.