Friday Mood Tune | Cobrastyle - Robyn

Just because. (I love the RAC Mix of this song too)

Just because. (I love the RAC Mix of this song too)
Just because, or maybe because "Indestructible" is something more than an impeccably awesome song, and because the third part of the "Body Talk" album trilogy is coming out later this month!
The video (directed by Nils Ljunggren & Max Vitali) is pretty cool too. The fluid in the tube-dress (by Lucy McRae) is a very matching visual with the way the song flows. I am obsessed with this (in a similar way I was obsessed with "The Girl & the Robot".
I was recently introduced to Röyksopp's "The Girl And The Robot" through a mixtape (more like a mixcd) my cousin made for me. And of course after being impressed by it, I had to go through the predictably typical youtube/google search craze I usually go through, and find out about remixes, videos and all the things I usually look for right before I become obsessed with something.
So, I found the video (directed by Michael Baldwin) and I thought: "Ooh, cool styling and colors" and then the part where the robot is advertised onTV comes on, and the robot model name is ARTEMIS.82 which is a funny coincidence because that is my name and the year I was born in... Anyway, I got their album, "Junior", today and it's a really really cool electro-pop album, even if it took me some time to discover it. (I also found that Kris Menace did some amazing remixes of TG&TR which I need to get my paws on, and soon...)