The 9/11 Museum
I was doing my daily online reading and was specifically gorging on some huge amounts of awesome stuff over at Fast Company's Design Blog, when I bumped on an amazingly put-together first look of The 9/11 Museum.
"In 100 years, there won't be anyone alive that experienced 9/11," says Steven Davis, whose architecture firm, Davis Brody Bond Aedas, is designing the 9/11 Museum. "What will you tell them? And how will you tell them, to make them understand what happened?"
The 9/11 Museum is expected to open on September 11, 2012 and works at ground zero, along with the released mock-up designs have started to give the shape, form, concept and feel of the museum away, which looks very... appropriate, if I may say.
Need to start planning another visit to NY for Fall 2012.
(via fastcodesign)