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Entries in Born To Die (2)


"Everybody Knows It. It's a fact. Kiss Kiss"

Okay, Lana Del Rey's "Born To Die" might actually, officially be my favorite album of 2012. I don't really care about the rumors and what everyone says that she's just to made up and "fabricated". Come to think of it: nowadays, who isn't anyway? She happens to have a great team behind her curating her impeccably rendered prissy-meets-rowdy image which, honestly, couldn't fascinate me more at this point.

National Anthem is one of my favorite tracks off "BTD" and though it triggered images of a different feel in my head, I am utterly in love with this 7+ minute video. Directed by Anthony Mandler of Les Enfants Terribles. National Anthem is amazingly styled and lazily evolves into a gorgeous masterpiece. I love how certain iconic references are beautifully woven together in a pretty unconventional light and script!

For some reason "Money is the reason we exist, everybody knows it. It's a fact. Kiss kiss." is stuck in my head since the first time I heard this song, maybe because -sadly- it's the truth.


Lana Del Rey Album Cover

I know that the previous (from over a week ago) post was a Lana Del Rey post, but I just could not NOT post on this. This is the cover for Lana Del Rey's upcoming album (end of January) and it is pure perfection. Impeccable in every possible way.