iPhone Fashion Shoot by Lee Morris

"Owning an SLR does not make you a photographer"
This is the name of an italian group I once saw on facebook, and I thought: how true! I mean, in this time of vastly available digital enhancement and inventiveness, being stuck up with equipment debates and the infatuation with things bearing the "PRO" label is plainly stupid, if you ask me. Maybe it's the resourceful nature of the graphic designer who lies in me that speaks, but when the final result is the way you want it to be, who gives a "duck" about how you got there?
So, these guys at F Stoppers (hats off by the way) made a full fashion shoot using the (confessedly crappy) camera of the iPhone 3GS! They used great lighting, their model had professional makeup and hair styling done before the shoot and some retouching was done afterwards. The result is simply amazing!
From FStoppers
A few weeks ago I did a full fashion photo shoot with my iPhone 3gs. I posted a few of the images and asked people to critique them (never exposing that they were shot on my cell phone). I couldn’t help but laugh when a few of our readers claimed that these were “the best images I had ever taken.” Nobody ever claimed that they were too grainy, too soft, or lacked detail.
Okay, I admit that using the iPhone camera was an extreme way of getting their point through, but this comes to prove that one doesn't need the top "pro" (and very pricey) equipment to come to an awesome result. I wouldn't shoot with an iPhone (3GS or 4 for that matter) and expect the results to save my life, but shooting with my Powershot G9 instead for my DSLR, never seemed as an "off" idea to me.
(via ISO 50)

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