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Entries in Gary Chang (1)


The Greenest, Most Innovative Apartment

Imagine an apartment only 32m2 (330 square feet) but capable of transforming into 24 rooms. It's like a spacious apartment with a TV room, a study, a projection room, and an island kitchen... 

Well, if you're Gary Chang, a Hong Kong-based architect, you can turn your teensy-weensy crammed apartment into a fully equipped, environmentally friendly and comfortable apartment with the use of moving walls, sepia tinted windows (which give the sunlight effect), and retracting rooms. 

I wonder though, how procedural one has to become in order to live in such an apartment? I think I would be able to live with moving a couple of walls around, however, I'm not that crazy about the extra bed sitting over the bathtub (EW!).
